"Pagen", Rauminstallation, Porzellan, 2004
Pagen waren Diener für die Adelige. Der Betrachter ist von der Üppigkeit des Essens und der Schönheit des Porzellans zunächst geblendet, doch entsteht ein zweifelhaftes Gefühl, ob man aus den „Kindern“ tatsächlich Essen schöpfen möchte.
This table installation should inspire the communication with the recipient and his reaction. I created „eat containers“. Their shapes resemble small babies. In the same time they serve as bowls, filled with different delicacies. All together they represent a service for a special meal. „Pagen“ were butlers for the aristocratic persons.
The recipient would be dazzled by the luxurious food and porceline dish, at the same time with a sense of queasiness.